Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, 29 March 2009

The Noisome Sunday

My neighbour was fuckin noisy..wedding only ma.. hav to take 3 days to make noise meh.."ki ling ko long, ki ling ko long" haiz.... tidur tak boleh, revision cannot... make me so moodless..somemore they celebrate till late night..n they on the speaker fucking loud lor.. sing like hantu.. feel lk slaping the singer lar

Fine, have my last assignment 2 go on.. but feel so lazy to start it.. 2 days more to duedate, haven started at all, 2000words, good luck for me.. "gao lat" ..i hav no idea how to start it on..

Jz check our my BMI.. result-- 17.1underweight ntg special i noe it long time ago.. but i have got my double chin, jz saw it this noon..haiz.. sad lar..if tat fats put at other place shud be better..mmm..

i wan shoppin lar.. i wan new shoes, new heels, new school' bags, new scarf!!!! i wan everything!!!! SHOPPING!!!

Friday, 27 March 2009


hav celebrate Pauline birthday 2day.. she was shock cz 2day wasnt her birthday- is actually on 28 mar, 2mr lar... she was blushed.. i think she is happy..^^ anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUL!!!

2 year 1 month 2mr.. he jz remind me bout this but i almost forgotten..sorry~~

going拜山2mr... hav to wake up early in the morning..

ya friend still remember 2mr is earth day.. remember to turn off the light in the night ya [8.30-9.30pm] ^^

final is around the way n i havent start revision on it.. so emo now.. talk less, i donoe wat my brain is thinkin cant control lar..

Sunday, 22 March 2009

True but not true..

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education:
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
[NO!! Education is very important for me]

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
[this i admit]

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
[i really really care on this, i will get less confident if am hardly accepted by people]

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Try this for ur own-->> http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Cake for friend

Happy Belated birthday, kiat!!
hope u like the cake

the black black things is actually the coco -- nicer than last bake^^

Green Tea

Me & kiat almost finish the whole thing
[like eaten by rat.. the center is actually ntg, jz left the cover there..]
tat night was totally fun, till cant sleep but the next day-morning hungry lk hell ==

*waiting for my next bake.. feel lk eating again

Friday, 20 March 2009

enough for emo-ing

As usual went college 2day but i get back home earlier (12pm). Is actually not very early la.. jz compare to few days before, yes it is early. So my mood become better cz can go back home earlier to sleep, watch tv,n do watever i wan to do.. hohoho~ so good. n dear suddenly tell me that he is going back ipoh. Too so sudden cant accept & now he is regreting tat not bring me back^^ haha..底死!! hahah... can c how hard to bring me this gul go back house^^ he wait n wait n wait for so long time ..mb few more yrs gua, c luck lor, "good luck, kit"..hahah.. i did baked a cake this noon smell nice but taste...so so.. me n my sis have finished half of it n the other part is in the fridge. feel lk puttin in some nuts n jam on it, donoe nice onot..try 2mr..& i was doing my stupid assignment now.. has been doing for so long time but still not yet finish can c how efficient im...hope 2 finish it by 2mr cz there r only 3 questions ==..hope la, but i dont think i cant. hihihihi. continue my assignment, chao.....
thanks for all ur comforting ytd..
i did feel better &
everything is ok
love u all
saw "AFA"s car at kit's hostel.. is actually his fat friends car..
bigger size than ang's 018

Wilsa & Me

cacat ==

perfect match v orange juice..

Thursday, 19 March 2009

一 切 都 不 美 好


hey hey 大傻瓜

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

_ 空 白 _



Thursday, 12 March 2009

wasn't strong enough!!!!

下午去上了enl208 还是一样听教授吠 为什么他每次都要等到最后才要说重点叻? 不明咯!! 四点放学 三点二十多分才要我们写作文 妈的!! 谁理她噢。 那种时候大家都积极地在收拾书包等回家的拉 还要叫我们做, 没长脑吗? 还说自己是留学生, 听说在外国的大学生都是上到一半要回就回的喔!! 如果是他的课你那样, 我看你一听被她盯着看咯。 实在是阿!!差别大咯!!说今天要给assignment mark的一直在那拖拖拖。
哇,终于等到他的student evaluation 出去之前还要和我们说“waitin u all to evaluate me,” 哇几串哦 好吧我们会做到很好的 但是你的饭碗, erhmm 我们不能帮你担保咯 涂C和D涂到超高兴的, 起到做这超久了。。

上课上到一半,他忽然说要看assignment就得去他办公室看。我和pauline就一起“i thought。。”哇, 他马上转过身来问“i thought what?”, 你们都没看到他那表情, 超恐怖的要把我们吃了那样。。 那样的表情,谁还敢说话哦! 我就说没东西没东西那样咯 他很凶的和我说“be careful v ur word 那样喔!! 我都没把话说完他就拿样和我说了哦 说i thought都不行吗?其实我一般是误会她说的话才没接下去的拉。。 我知道我也有错 也不需要那样咯 是嘛 人家以为他是说要看assignment的分数也要去她那里看啊

好咯。成绩分了。 很差咯我。都不懂事不是针对我啊 分数全班最低阿 haiz 怪自己咯!! 怪自己冲动!! 接下来就为assignment2 抽签咯。。 有拿最后!!妈的!! 超衰咯!! 有抽到不懂什么题目, 下星期二要交叻 怎样好? 衰!!!

下课了,好咯, 不能tahan还是去和他说过 可是放心啦 我有和他道歉再和他说过啦 但是我觉得自己真的输咯!! 我还没把我对他的不满全说出来 我犯奸的眼泪就要掉出来了 妈的 我做么哦 我是要拿公道咯 你流什么流哦!! 输了咯!! 甘愿了吗?

haiz怎样都好 自己下次还是封好自己的嘴吧!!那样就不会发生那么多事了!!所谓祸从口出咯,这就叫。(人阿人 为什么要活那么辛苦?回答我啊!!!)

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

good place for holiday =)

saw a webside from my friend blog
this place seem so nice
hope to get there for a holiday
have a look on the web.
i think u woul d like the place if u lk green

Monday, 9 March 2009


终于,终于!!finance’s test 终于都考过了 delay了几百次真的很压力咯!!忽然觉得自己最近瘦了好多好多~ 阿姨那样说 舅舅也那样说 应该怎样? 我真的怕大风来我会倒咯。是压力吗?什么原因我都不懂,“惨”!! 有些人就怕胖, 不吃不吃。我们这种就怎样吃都不肥, 这样有很好吗?说真的 如果吃到身材刚刚好不肥不瘦那时就好啦,但是你如果一旦让他瘦了下拉 我真的不懂几时才会肥回咯!! 瘦又瘦到鬼那样,超像生病那样 ,憔悴, haiz~

加油!! 吃 !!!

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

emo day

Firstly, i would lk to great our Mr JAYSERN Ng Chin Boon..
Happy birthday Jaysern!!

21th old man.. ^^ jkjk
pity u, got bully by all of us in ac in noon..
is lucky tat u came late if not there will be lots audience there^^
anyway hope u got a great birthday celebration...

got my enl's test 1 marks. well it is low 1.94/6.25.
starting worry on my result this sem.. Finanace, Economics, Statistic & English..everything
i am weak im weak in everything man.. help me!!!!
week 9
(current week),

week 10,

week 11,

week 12
( the busiest week),

week 13,


(Exam week)..

Monday, 2 March 2009


很久没上部落了 真的,时间很不足,谁可以借我下吗? 我得空还给你 == 就从过年后说起吧!! 一开学嘛就开始忙英文assignment, 然后sta’ test, 情人节, 过后有finance’s quiz delay delay又delay 到最后quiz都没了, 再来英文test ,弟弟生日,oral persentation, 然后“28号大日子”^^, caroline庆生, 义工联谊会, 这两天嘛就读一点书,睡多多,哈哈哈哈!!! 原本明天的finance’s test 又delay了去下星期, 也不懂应该高兴有多点时间读还是应该伤心,因为教授又加了一课新的, haiz!! 之前的都还没读完。 真的好多好多!! 看到都想睡。 教授教那时是“超级生动”大家都不想听, 更不用说那本testbook咯! 全都是字叻, 比心经还要长,还要难背。 我真的不好意思说我自己是修finance的咯。 就连finance那课我都那么讨厌, 不懂还有两年要怎样过咯!!怎样过??

说说情人节, 那样会好点。14.2.2009
哈哈。其实是没什么特别的,和平时一样咯,逛街,吃东西, 就那样咯。只是我又把他弄气了 因为一束花, 可以想到什么事吗? 应该都认为他应该没送我才那样吧! 错!! 有,是有送~ 只是ho, 本小姐ho,在他朋友ho 面前ho 拒绝咯。。 哦,就是这样咯!!! 人家就觉得mashimaro 很幼稚嘛 又浪费钱哦。 是我的错啦, 我懂, 对不起宝贝!! 谢谢你那天很快就原谅我了, 不然情人节比没有情人还惨哦。来亲个 木阿~~


前一晚就带他去麦当劳倒数阿。 什么都没有, 没蛋糕,没礼物,就只有汉堡包,还有熟条。等等等。。。十二点!!dangdangdang!! 生日快乐,庆鸿~~ 还有还有礼物 你们看看图片吧!! 第二天,早上。 海边“nasi lemak”。hok jiak then去海边走走咯 帮他们snap了很多照片 也看看吧!!more pics on facebook n friendster.


重点来了~~当然时要说下 “28号大日子拉” 28.2.2009
这个不用说啦。 了解我的人就会懂了!哇哈哈哈!! 拿到了我的小熊。。 是自己亲手帮小熊放棉花的哦。它还有身份证叻。己威水哦。。当然是看到得意才会要他去弄的咯, 不然才不会要他浪费钱咯! 着他也了解^^ 果然是我的anata,hehe~ 爱死你了两年也那样一起过了 其实一切也才刚刚稳定了下来。 希望会是永远永远的。tiamo,kit~


界吧!! 今天你刚出生哦~