There & finally my holiday is here!! So, i have started it with the party!!! Yes, that's all bout my cousiz.. My little cousins is having her 12th birthday on yesterday night (16/10). So, her mum plan to have party at my grandpa house. And also the next day, i mean today(17/10) is my youngest auntie birthday!!!! She is 10 years different with me!!! Okey, so we're having steamboat and bbq tonight... We need 3 tables to fit in all the ingredients. So, you shud noe how many people we have lar.. Not much picture with me, cz i took most of the picture with my auntie G11. IM waiting for Nikon D50!!!! Faster buy!!!
Ok!!! Im not really happy yesterday!!! i hate my auntie- Tan May May!!! you mum really too annoying!! i just wanna take pic according to my ways & she was like keep on talking like that not nice, like this not nice!!! fucker!! cant u just shut you mouth!!! even my youngest auntie also cant stand for her!!! cz the place with her is too too too NOISY!!!! She can even talk so much on the arranged steamboat pot!!! wtf!!! cant she eat with her mouth shut!!!
Went to Kheng's with the gang- fung, caro, peg, keeshen, & kiat!!! just wanna say, IM NOT DRUNK!!! i have only just half can of Carlsberg!!! JUST HALF!!! shudn't meet u guys lor.. cz i really look like mabuk kaki because my face was totally RED!!! even my eye!!!! they are so hot!!!
Went back late night yesterday... IM tiring... Tomoro will be the first working day. Wish me GOOD LUCK!!
Can't wait to eat cake!!! So, here come the fingers!!!!
HAPPY BITHDAY to Auntie & 3 Cousiz
Dont like people controlling my ways ; I can grow with my mistake
haha i know how you feel when someone is telling you what or how to do things...dont be angry lar, she is just your aunt...fortunately its not your mum coz you see her everyday...haha...
even her daughter also cant stand her.. the way she educate her daughter, non of my auntie agree too
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